The first day of summer is hesitant but still, it is approaching us. We've been hiding our bodies underneath clothes for way too long, it's time to show some skin.
I will walk you through everything I do to lose weight, tone up and simply live my healthy ...very challenging lifestyle.
I owe it to you to let you know where I am coming from on this. After the age of 3, I was always overweight. My doctors would put me on child diets all while I was growing up. My family nicknamed me "fatty watty" and "Tay Tay burger" until I grew up. My last year of high school I weighed around 160lbs. By the end of my freshman year of college I had seen the scale rise to a wake-up call of 190lbs. I had no idea where it came from or where exactly it was on my body.
I had a few things I wanted to do with my life that required me to lose weight. I wanted to feel comfortable in a short sleeved crop top and shorts, I wanted to look good in this very sexy leopard bathing suit from Victoria Secret and I wanted to join the Army.
I'll be honest, I would have never seen 140lbs if it had not been for my friends. I had a friend to walk with every morning, one to walk with in the afternoon and one to go to the gym with in the evening. Some days I wouldn't feel like working out but I wouldn't dare tell a friend "no working out today, let's just sit around and pack on more pounds" so I went, sometimes 3x a day.
Soon after that, the healthy eating started. Luckily, I never had many bad eating habits. I didn't eat fast-food or drink pop unless I had too. Most of which I had never had (Arbys, Big Boy, Burger King...) I grew up next door to Ralleys, naturally, that was my fast food spot.
I started researching what was good, why it was good, what was bad, why it was bad, when to eat, when not to eat, where to shop...everything. I got into the health and fitness magazines and made it my business to start living a healthy lifestyle before it was too late.
I not only own that sexy leopard bathing suit, I look great in it. I am comfortable in my skin and I know my body. I know how it works. I know what foods to eat, when to workout, what happens when I have a drink...
All this to say, I want to help you learn your body. Stick with me through this. Ask me questions, set up a gym date or simply learn and plan.
I will have food posts, workout recordings, clothing updates and all on this page. I hope your as excited as I am!
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