
Saturday, June 1, 2013

It's a lifestyle

When I first started my journey everyone wanted to know what I did and how I did it...

1. I became diciplined
2. I made a schedule (Workout days/times)
3. I found partners
4. I did my research
5. I did what I had to do...

Honestly, It involved me changing my lifestyle..

1. Be up at 5a, no later than 8a
2. Morning workout because as much as you don't want to, it'll make your whole day better
3. Always do something that will target the abs (Can't go wrong with any cardio routine, just hold your stomach in during the workout to target and tighten the ab muscles)
4. Eat breakfast (the most important meal of the day, if you skip it....just go back to bed)
5. Work
6. Workout and stretch as much as possible (I had a factory job..I was standing in one spot for 8+ hours, I would walk in place and lean from side to side working my obliques...If I wasn't tired at night or couldn't sleep...I went to the became my therapy)
7. Lunch and snacks are just as important as breakfast... I ate breakfast by 9a, lunch by 1p, Dinner before 8p (close to 6p if time allowed) Snacks in between but dinner was the last meal.
8. Sleep by 10p (remember SLEEP is just as important as breakfast and water...if you don't get the right amount of sleep, nothing else matters)
9. Remember this lifestyle is a rewarding one...

I bet you're wondering about the specifics...

1. No salt (on anything)
2. Water, water, water and more water...only water..
3. That means, No pop, no juice, no crystal light, no tea, no coffee, NO ALCOHOL
4. No bread
5. Fruits with breakfast and lunch...
6. No fruits after 5/6p
7. Vegetables and proteins with every meal
8. I've never weighed my meals, I believe in eating until I'm full
9. Surprisingly, I started getting full quicker and my usual servings became too much after awhile
10. No candy, no chips, no ice cream..NO CANDY,CHIPS, ICE CREAM, BREAD, CHEESE...or anything else good..
11. Yes, everything that you love is causing you to be overweight and unhealthy (I don't know why it had to be this way)
12.  No fast food period. I've worked at Taco Bell and me, it's not good for you.
13. No pork or red meats ( I also recently cut out beef but it can be useful sometimes so it's up to you)
14. Organic/natural foods only
15. No eating after 8p

Okay so...I'm not suggesting you do this all at one or at all. Everyone is different. This is just an example of the life I live...Most of the time

As you get comfortable and it's not all a struggle, the gym becomes a habit, your body is moving faster and looking slimmer and you just feel better inside and out..things change...

Currently, I put apple cider vinegar and lemon juice in my first 32oz of water...I drink crystal light sometimes and smoothies are the best!

I don't use salt on my foods but I eat organic chips now and sometimes they have salt among other things I eat..

Instead of ice cream, I eat frozen yogurt every once in awhile.... I have cut out bread and cheese and I go weeks without dairy products.

 I only drink almond milk, I only eat Special K cereal, egg whites...the list goes on.

Some days I don't have time for lunch...some days it's dinner...Some days I have to eat after 8p (Ideally If I was being more strict I would prepare all my meals and pack them with me so there would be no excuses and I could control what goes in my body and when..)

You'll be surprised to know...everything has salt, carbs, sugar, fat etc. You have to get creative and spend a lot of money to eat healthy...

All in All, it's only hard when you start craving things you know are wrong for you and you can't find a healthy that point...grab an apple w/peanut butter or just go to sleep.

Seriously, I'm here for you, whatever you wanna know I will find the answer for you. If I'm in your area and you wanna workout, let me know...It's a lifestyle!

I will be posting individual blogs about thing the benefits of apple cider vinegar, running, the steam room, resistance bands etc.

I hope this has helped you at least a little bit.



  1. So wat would be a quick way to loose a few pounds

    1. I need to know what your eating/drinking habit are right now..but a 3 day cleanse will take you down a few :)
