
Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 15: Slacking

I have not been focused. While I have been working out and eating right, I haven't been giving my full dedication. It's not easy when you don't have a support team. Everybody has different schedules and doesn't agree on the same foods. I am a healthy person so its not hard to eat the right food but it is hard to turn down a bag of hot fries. I'm just being honest.

The truth is, I always start and finish my day with good food. What happens in the middle of the day is usually not what I would like the most because I'm at work, it's not bad but not what I would prefer. I have to get better at preparing my meals ahead of time. So that is a personal struggle I am currently working on.

The good news is, my running is improving because I've been running almost everyday. I bought a blender so I can start making my own shakes/smoothies. I haven't gained any weight, I think I'm losing more inches. My body always start with the inches off the waist, thighs and neck. I'm starting to think 140lbs is it for me. I guess I won't really know til I come back from Afghanistan. I'm sure wearing loads of gear in horrible heat for a year will shed some weight but we will see. I'm still trying on my own.

I hope you enjoy my posts as much as I enjoy doing them for you.

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